Adam Klimczak
1957 born
in Lodz
In 1975
- 80 studied
in Art Academy in Lodz.
and manager of the private art space "Wschodnia Gallery",
1984 in Lodz.
2004 "Moving Studio",
Pyramida - Center for Contemporary Art, Haifa, Israel
2004 "Lodz of Photography",
FF Gallery, Lodz, Poland
2003 "EN ROUTE", Art for
Drivers, Germany, Spain
2002 "Cambio Constante III",
Veruela, Spain
2002 "Kugeln", Schloss
Pluschow, Germany
2001 "Markers", an Outdoor
Banners Event of Artists and Poets for Venice Biennale
2001 "10 years of The
Artists¼ Museum", Villa Gallery - Art Center, Tel Aviv, Israel
2000 "From here to there" -
Schloss Academy, Stuttgart
1999 "Signed sites" -
Contemporary Art Center, Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw
1999 "Meitheal II" -
Manorhamilton, Ireland
1999 "IV European Art
Meeting", Borne Sulinowo, Poland
1998 "The Bridge",
Melbourne, Australia
1998 "Oikos", Municipal Museum,
Bydgoszcz, Poland
1998 Jozef Robakowski¼s
"Exchange Gallery" collection, Museum of Art, Lodz
1997 "Paper Trail", Pierogi
2000 Gallery, New York
1997 "Live Gallery 2", Tower
Building Gallery, Lodz
1997 "Live Gallery 1",
National Gallery Zacheta, Warsaw
1997 "Another Language",
Museum of Modern Art, Haifa, Israel
1997 "The Well", Arsenal
Gallery, Bialystok, Poland
1996 Art/Omi Residency,
upstate New York
1996 "Shattered Latitudes",
Lombard/Fried Fine Arts, New York
1995 "Co-existence", Construction
in Process, Negev Desert, Israel
1995 "Unter einem Dach",
Podewil, Berlin
1995 "Footprint", Tacheles
Gallery, Berlin
1994 "Site-ations", Cardiff,
1994 "Transparent
Messenger", Plasy Czech Republic
1993 "InterVIEW 1", The
Artists` Museum, Lodz
1992 "Papa Coming So(o)n",
Grohman`s Palace, Lodz
1992 "Avant-garde Movement
of Lodz", Grohman`s Palace
1991 "The Circles of
Wschodnia", Center of Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw
1991 "The Wall for Papa",
Labyrinth Gallery, Lublin, Poland
1990 Construction in Process
"Back in Lodz", Lodz
1990 "The place in Lodz - Hotel
of Art", Poznanski¼s Palace, Lodz